MMOexp: For every glitch and exploit FromSoftware try

For every glitch and exploit FromSoftware try to patch the Elden Ring, you can be assured that curious gamers, particularly those with Elden Ring Runes an interest in speedrunning will discover new ones.

This trick (via GamesRadar) that is being slowly rolled out to the game's community. It demonstrates that in certain locations when the conditions are right, you can make Torrent run straight off the ground and fly like an ethereal unwingless Pegasus.

To accomplish this, as is explained in this video from EZScape the player must first ride Torrent uphill in a particular location. You must then get off as you're near that "death plane" which is the moment at which you'll be triggered by falling. After you've jumped off--sending Torrent to the grave Sorry, you're not able to be able to land and summon your horse again to cost you an ointment of red tears.

It's not going to do anything So you must summon them again, and on the second sound Torrent will return. Except now their weird goat-like legs have the power of flight. If you're interested in trying it out yourself, the two spots this glitch has been confirmed to be working so far are as shown in the above video The first is within the Bestial Sanctum, and second on a ledge that is just outside Volcano Manor.

However, it is extremely difficult to do, as you need to be riding uphill in a very specific place, be close enough to the final plane for Torrent to crash into it, and then be near enough to a ledge to make sure you are able to stick your dismount to land. This may look easy in videos, but actually is very tricky.Given the complexity of the attack and the magnitude of the game, folks are still working through buy Elden Ring Runes this one, so I'm sure it won't take long until more locations where you can activate a flying Torrent will be discovered.
Posted in Jeu de football (Soccer) on September 09 at 10:47 PM

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