For mage, I utilized both the xp lamps, and OSRS gold then I finished the imp catcher for 13 mage. I camped from the lower to about 33 mage using my set of ahrims. The ahrims look like ahrims. (black clothes look like ahrims) Now, I'm hoping to be able to attain 40/40/40 in melee and 50 range/mage. Would you please tell me where I can train. Based on those numbers, I will do D-Slayer.
What level of prayer should I set with these statistics? I'd appreciate it if you could make them similar to one to 20... PLease don't use something similar to 1-50 for range minotaurs like YouTubers did. (It was a guide to 99 range. It was a joke.) I'd like these locations to be a place which I can get a good level quickly with.
What type of armor should i wear? It is important to remember that this is F2P. My current bank is around 150K , thanks to someone who offered me 200K and 56K worth of cooked and raw food (all kinds , but mostly all raw food) When I mentioned "buying in raw products" I was in the lumbridge castle with my account that I just opened burning logspawns. This got me to 20 FMing.
Some other people gave me other things like iron for 2hs. (people clean out banks, and offering me random shizzle) and various other items. This gentleman from Varrock large bank gave me 13 bronze bows, 8 oak logs and small amount of random things. I burned the logs before I was able to reach 21 FMin. Then something else comes to your mind.
As a youngster did anyone ever aid you out? Like by giving money or being a guide or friends for life? Is the free trade option gone for F2P? I signed up for buy old school runescape gold my account 2 weeks ago, so am I safe? How long would 40/40/40 with 50 range/mage for me?
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